No you cannot. PrintShop Mail only supports a single table inside the MDB. When you use Automation to select an MDB database (or SQL or Excel for that matter), PrintShop mail will select the same table as what you previously selected when opening that database in PrintShop Mail.
For example, if you have "test.mdb" with two tables: "table1" and "table2", when you open this database in PrintShop Mail it will ask you which table to select. When you start automation, that's the table it will use.
I'm not sure what happens if you use a database that's never been opened through PrintShopMail, I'm assuming it will try to look for the table name it knows and if it doesn't find it, either take the first table in the database or simply fail to initiate the job.
However, the point is that the best practice when using PrintShop Mail is to only have one table in your database; this is how it was programmed and that is how it is meant to be used.
Hope this helps,